Temna tekočina

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Prispevkov: 880
Pridružen: 27.5.2005 16:34

Temna tekočina

Odgovor Napisal/-a MAVER|CK »

Hudo, kaj vse ne zveš v enem dnevu!

Ste že slišali za ta pojem? Men je zelo všeč, ker je "all in one opcija":

Dark Fluid is a model for gravity, which goes even further and hypothesizes that the fabric of space acts much like a fluid. Thus space would flow, coagulate, compress, or expand just like any other fluid. The idea is that when space is in the presence of matter, it slows down and coagulates around it, this attracts more space to coagulate around it, thus amplifying the force of gravity near it. This effect is always present but only becomes noticeable in the presence of a really large mass, like a galaxy. If this effect sounds very much like a description Dark Matter, then that's not a coincidence as a special case of the equations of Dark Fluid reproduces Dark Matter. However, Dark Fluid isn't saying that actual particles of Dark Matter exist, but that this is just an illusionary effect of space bunching up on itself.

On the other extreme, in places where this relatively little matter, like in the voids between galactic superclusters, Dark Fluid predicts that space relaxes, and starts stretching away from itself. Thus Dark Fluid becomes a repulsive force, which is the same effect as Dark Energy.

Vir: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Fluid

Prispevkov: 389
Pridružen: 30.3.2010 11:01

Re: Temna tekočina

Odgovor Napisal/-a silvester1234 »

Po tej teoriji je očitno vseeno v kakšnem agregatnem stanju je temna snov. Če sem pravilno dojel, naj bi le-ta bila soudeležena pri gravitaciji.
Ne razumem pa kako. Temna tekočina pač ne more biti gravitacija sama, ker sonce potemtakem nebi vsebovalo te tekočine in s tem gravitacije.
Mogoče je bilo mišljeno, da ima pa tolikšno maso, da povzroča anomalije v gravitacijskih poljih. Vsekakor pa je trditev sicer kratka, je pa

Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 880
Pridružen: 27.5.2005 16:34

Re: Temna tekočina

Odgovor Napisal/-a MAVER|CK »

Ravno včeraj sem prebral, da sonce vsebuje temno materijo, k ijo pobira tekom potovanja po galaksiji. Dandanes sslišiš že marsikaj, samo kaj je pa res...

Prispevkov: 389
Pridružen: 30.3.2010 11:01

Re: Temna tekočina

Odgovor Napisal/-a silvester1234 »

Glede na to, da temno snov kot snov pravzaprav še niso natančno določili, kaj to je, so možne vse špekulacije. Za sedaj so samo neki vplivi, ki jih
pripisujejo temni snovi in rečejo: "To povzroča pa temna snov".
