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Spremenljivost gravitacijske konstante G

Objavljeno: 20.1.2018 19:51
Napisal/-a Srečko
V zadnjih 30 letih so bile opravljene različne meritve velikosti gravitacijaske konstante G. Te meritve so pokazale zelo velika odstopanja. V modelu kvantnega vakuuma, ki smo ga razvili, ja G konstantana. Celo v središču črne luknje se spremeni minimalno (na 72 decimalki), torej mnogo pod velikostnim razredom, v katerem so opravljene meritve. Naša raziskovalna skupina v kateri so še poleg mene en profesro in en študent matematične fizike iz Indije, načrtuje meritev G ob istem času v Indiji, Rusiji in Kitajski zaporedma enkrat na mesec eno leto. Tako bomo imeli rezultate, ki bodo povedali več o tem ali se G spreminja v času ali ne. :)
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Re: Spremenljivost gravitacijske konstante G

Objavljeno: 20.1.2018 20:16
Napisal/-a vojko
Tole se ti zdijo "zelo velika odstopanja"??

Data Set number Author Year G (x10-11 m3Kg-1s-2) Accuracy % Deviation
1 Cavendish H. 1798 6.74 ±0.05 +0.986
2 Reich F. 1838 6.63 ±0.06 -0.662
3 Baily F. 1843 6.62 ±0.07 -0.812
4 Cornu A, Baille J. 1873 6.63 ±0.017 -0.662
5 Jolly Ph. 1878 6.46 ±0.11 -3.209
6 Wilsing J. 1889 6.594 ±0.015 -1.202
7 Poynting J.H. 1891 6.70 ±0.04 +0.387
8 Boys C.V. 1895 6.658 ±0.007 -0.243
9 Eotvos R. 1896 6.657 ±0.013 -0.258
10 Brayn C.A. 1897 6.658 ±0.007 -0.243
11 Richarz F. & Krigar-Menzel O. 1898 6.683 ±0.011 +0.132
12 Burgess G.K. 1902 6.64 ±0.04 -0.512
13 Heyl P.R. 1928 6.6721 ±0.0073 -0.031
14 Heyl P.R. 1930 6.670 ±0.005 -0.063
15 Zaradnicek J. 1933 6.66 ±0.04 -0.213
16 Heyl P.,Chrzanowski 1942 6.673 ±0.003 -0.018
17 Rose R.D. et al. 1969 6.674 ±0.004 -0.003
18 Facy L., Pontikis C. 1972 6.6714 ±0.0006 -0.042
19 Renner Ya. 1974 6.670 ±0.008 -0.063
20 Karagioz et al 1975 6.668 ±0.002 -0.093
21 Luther et al 1975 6.6699 ±0.0014 -0.064
22 Koldewyn W., Faller J. 1976 6.57 ±0.17 -1.561
23 Sagitov M.U. et al 1977 6.6745 ±0.0008 +0.004
24 Luther G., Towler W. 1982 6.6726 ±0.0005 -0.024
25 Karagioz et al 1985 6.6730 ±0.0005 -0.018
26 Dousse & Rheme 1986 6.6722 ±0.0051 -0.030
27 Boer H. et al 1987 6.667 ±0.0007 -0.108
28 Karagioz et al 1986 6.6730 ±0.0003 -0.018
29 Karagioz et al 1987 6.6730 ±0.0005 -0.018
30 Karagioz et al 1988 6.6728 ±0.0003 -0.021
31 Karagioz et al 1989 6.6729 ±0.0002 -0.019
32 Saulnier M.S., Frisch D. 1989 6.65 ±0.09 -0.363
33 Karagioz et al 1990 6.6730 ±0.00009 -0.018
34 Schurr et al 1991 6.6613 ±0.0093 -0.193
35 Hubler et al 1992 6.6737 ±0.0051 -0.008
36 Izmailov et al 1992 6.6771 ±0.0004 +0.043
37 Michaelis et al 1993 6.71540 ±0.00008 +0.617
38 Hubler et al 1993 6.6698 ±0.0013 -0.066
39 Karagioz et al 1993 6.6729 ±0.0002 -0.019
40 Walesch et al 1994 6.6719 ±0.0008 -0.035
41 Fitzgerald & Armstrong 1994 6.6746 ±0.001 +0.006
42 Hubler et al 1994 6.6607 ±0.0032 -0.202
43 Hubler et al 1994 6.6779 ±0.0063 +0.055
44 Karagioz et al 1994 6.67285 ±0.00008 -0.020
45 Fitzgerald & Armstrong 1995 6.6656 ±0.0009 -0.129
46 Karagioz et al 1995 6.6729 ±0.0002 -0.019
47 Walesch et al 1995 6.6685 ±0.0011 -0.085
48 Michaelis et al 1996 6.7154 ±0.0008 +0.617
49 Karagioz et al 1996 6.6729 ±0.0005 -0.019
50 Bagley & Luther 1997 6.6740 ±0.0007 -0.003
51 Schurr, Nolting et al 1997 6.6754 ±0.0014 +0.018
52 Luo et al 1997 6.6699 ±0.0007 -0.064
53 Schwarz W. et al 1998 6.6873 ±0.0094 +0.196
54 Kleinvoss et al 1998 6.6735 ±0.0004 -0.011
55 Richman et al 1998 6.683 ±0.011 +0.132
56 Luo et al 1999 6.6699 ±0.0007 -0.064
57 Fitzgerald & Armstrong 1999 6.6742 ±0.0007 ±0.01
58 Richman S.J. et al 1999 6.6830 ±0.0011 +0.132
59 Schurr, Noltting et al 1999 6.6754 ±0.0015 +0.018
60 Gundlach & Merkowitz 1999 6.67422 ±0.00009 +0.0003
61 Quinn et al 2000 6.67559 ±0.00027 +0.021
-- PRESENT CODATA VALUE 2004 6.6742 ±0.001 ±0.0150

    Re: Spremenljivost gravitacijske konstante G

    Objavljeno: 22.1.2018 5:52
    Napisal/-a Srečko
    Vojiko tile članki navajajo,
    da so merjene razlike G-ja velike
    1. Gundlach, J. H. Adelberger, E. G., Heckel, B. R. and Swanson, H. E.: New technique for measuring Newton’s constant G, Physical Review D 54, 1256R
    2. S. Schlamminger, J.H. Gundlach, R.D. Newman, Recent measurements of the gravitational constant as a function of time, Phys. Rev. D 91, 121101 (2015),
    arXiv: 1505.01774.
    3. J. D. Anderson, G. Schubert, V. Trimble and M. R. Feldman."Measurements of Newton's gravitational constant and the length of day." EPL 110 (2015) 10002,
    doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/110/10002.

    članek 2 pravi
    The main purpose of this article is to provide an as
    complete as possible list of G values determined since
    1980, while attempting to assign an as accurate as possible
    effective date for each measurement, providing data
    for further investigations similar to that of Anderson and
    We caution users of these data that it is very possible
    that much or all of the apparent G time variation simply
    reflects overlooked systematic error
    , with underestimated
    systematic uncertainty.
    However, we have ventured to make the following fits
    to data presented in this article, using the combined numbers
    for the two BIPM experiments.

    Re: Spremenljivost gravitacijske konstante G

    Objavljeno: 22.1.2018 11:43
    Napisal/-a vojko
    Srečko napisal/-a:
    22.1.2018 5:52
    Vojiko tile članki navajajo,
    da so merjene razlike G-ja velike
    1. Gundlach, J. H. Adelberger, E. G., Heckel, B. R. and Swanson, H. E.: New technique for measuring Newton’s constant G, Physical Review D 54, 1256R
    2. S. Schlamminger, J.H. Gundlach, R.D. Newman, Recent measurements of the gravitational constant as a function of time, Phys. Rev. D 91, 121101 (2015),
    arXiv: 1505.01774.
    3. J. D. Anderson, G. Schubert, V. Trimble and M. R. Feldman."Measurements of Newton's gravitational constant and the length of day." EPL 110 (2015) 10002,
    doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/110/10002.

    članek 2 pravi
    The main purpose of this article is to provide an as
    complete as possible list of G values determined since
    1980, while attempting to assign an as accurate as possible
    effective date for each measurement, providing data
    for further investigations similar to that of Anderson and
    We caution users of these data that it is very possible
    that much or all of the apparent G time variation simply
    reflects overlooked systematic error
    , with underestimated
    systematic uncertainty.
    However, we have ventured to make the following fits
    to data presented in this article, using the combined numbers
    for the two BIPM experiments.
    Prav patetično smešen si, Srečko! Tekst, ki ga navajaš kot dokaz za tvoje trditve ("velike razlike v merjenju G"), DEMANTIRA tvoje trditve! V poudarjenem delu avtor opozarja bralce: "We caution users of these data that it is very possible that much or all of the apparent G time variation simply reflects overlooked systematic error, with underestimated systematic uncertainty." :lol:
    N-tič: dejstva so trmasta stvar ... :lol:

    Re: Spremenljivost gravitacijske konstante G

    Objavljeno: 22.1.2018 16:41
    Napisal/-a Srečko
    Ja Vojko G ni bil dobro izmerjen,
    mi imamo idejo da ga zmerimo na 3 mestih ob istem času,
    da se izloči "časovni parameter"
    in predvidevamo,
    da bodo meritve pokazale isto vrednost za G na vseh treh mestih.