
Ko tudi učitelj ne more pomagati...
Prispevkov: 3
Pridružen: 5.1.2005 12:50


Odgovor Napisal/-a ana »

prosim, ce mi kdo pomaga pri prevodu, ker kljub slovarjem je zelo tezko najti pravi prevod

- ...we performed a randomized block study of four mattress combinations (none, foam, gel, gel on foam) using mannequins...

- ...mechanical vibrations was assessed by measuring vertical acceleration at two locations: the forehead of a 2000-gm mannequin and the ....

- ...from time histories of these accelerations, root mean square (RMS) values and power spectral density functions were calculated.

- The effect of the mattress on the transmission was determined from ratios of the RMS values at the two locations.

- An RMS ratio of < 1.0 indicates attenuation, whereas a ratio of > 1.0 indicates accentuation.

- From the power spectral density functions, the natural frequency of the system was determined for each mattress combination in relation to the natural frequencies of the ambulance.

- To determine the effect of the weight of the mannequin on vibration, additional measurements were performed using a 300-gm mannequin.

- All the observed RMS ratios were > 1. The highest ratios were observed on the city route in the absence of the gel mattress. The gel mattress, used alone or with the foam mattress, in contrast to foam or no mattress, shifted the natural frequency of the system away from the natural frequencies of the ambulance, avoiding a large amplification of vibration. A decrease in the weight of the mannequin caused the gel mattress to be less effective in attenuating vibration.

- A gel mattress, used alone or with a foam mattress, results in the least accentuation of vibration, but vibration in ambulance transport is not attenuated by any of the mattress combinations.

- ...the hazard of vibration may be particularly relevant when transporting...

- These findings indicate a need for study and design of more effective devices that can reduce the vibratory stress.[/b]

Prispevkov: 1
Pridružen: 14.11.2005 10:20


Odgovor Napisal/-a Veris »

Če imate težave s prevajanjem, morda tudi v slovarju ne najdete ustreznice, vam svetujemo uporabo prevajalskih orodij Wordfast in Trados. Uporabo obeh programov lahko spoznate na naših seminarjih, ki jih organiziramo dvakrat letno. Oglejte si našo spletno stran oz. pokličite vodjo izobraževalnega programa. - prevajanje, izobraževanje, jezikovni tečaji. Resnično znanje na krilih odličnosti!

Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 180
Pridružen: 30.11.2004 0:05

Re: prevod

Odgovor Napisal/-a sstone »

Da ne odpiram nove teme, zanima me ali bi kdo vedel prevod besede wake. Nikakor se ne morem spomnit kakšnega lepega prevoda(da ni ravno cela klobasa :D ). Aja, govorim o temu:

Hvala ter LP.

Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 7263
Pridružen: 15.11.2004 18:16

Re: prevod

Odgovor Napisal/-a Aniviller »

V aerodinamiki se uporablja beseda "zavetrje". V primeru vodnih valov imam v spominu da obstaja nek lepsi izraz vendar se ga trenutno ne spomnim. Bo treba vprasat kaksnega pomorca.
Lahko bi rekli tudi "vzbujeni tok/val".

Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 14610
Pridružen: 4.9.2004 18:45

Re: prevod

Odgovor Napisal/-a shrink »

Za prevode terminov (iz angleščine v slovenščino in obratno) se ti splača pogledati v COBISS. Tam so ključne besede (večinoma termini) v obeh jezikih. Za "wake turbulence" tako tam najdeš slovenska ekvivalenta "brazdna turbulenca" in "turbulenca vrtinčne sledi". Očitno se glede prevoda še niso zedinili.

Dr. Tone Magister "wake turbulence" v okviru letalstva prevaja kot "turbulenca vrtinca krilnega zaključka": ... j_ACFT.doc

letalci iz "prakse" (Aeroklub Celje) pa kot "turbulenca konca krila": ... %20www.pdf.

Prispevkov: 2842
Pridružen: 16.8.2004 19:41

Re: prevod

Odgovor Napisal/-a ZdravaPamet »

Da ne odpiram nove teme. Ali bi se našel kdo iz velike kvarkadabrovske publike, ki zna rusko? Želim razumeti besede Landau, Leva Davidoviča, v tem posnetku (od 0.20)
