Čudeži in znanost
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Poznano je, da je možno skoraj vse organske molekule sintetizirati tudi v zrclani obliki (levo/desno). Toda v organizmih so vse aminokisline vedno levosučne in sladkorji desnosučni. Kaj je vzrok temu?
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Videti je, da si spet priklopil na mehaniko. Mimogrede, počivaš že 12 dni, sedaj res vidim, da je naporno. Misliš, da bo še šlo naprej?vojko napisal/-a:Poznano je, da je možno skoraj vse organske molekule sintetizirati tudi v zrclani obliki (levo/desno). Toda v organizmih so vse aminokisline vedno levosučne in sladkorji desnosučni. Kaj je vzrok temu?
Mogoče si pogledaš tale video izpred 30 let:
Richard Feynman "Tiny Machines" Nanotechnology Lecture
Richard Feynman gave his famous talk "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" (Original Transcript Available Here : http://muonray.blogspot.ie/2012/12/ri...) on December 29th 1959 at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) as his vision on how physics and engineering could move in the direction that could eventually create nanotechnology.
Really good ideas and strokes of genius are often manifest in the right questions being asked: How small can information be encoded? How can information be written? How can information it be read? All of these important "Hows" were asked by Feynman in a time when computers had to be put in large rooms and when the impending space race was forcing engineers to do some serious strategic thinking in making technology small enough to be lifted by rockets into space to function as serious tools in scientific exploration and defence.
Feynman himself may not have invented the technology we see in the development and continuity of the computer age, but the fact that even in the early 1960's nanotechnology was being considered as a serious field of study was definitely a factor contributing to the boom in computer technology seen in the late 20th century and continues to reach more spectacular levels of sophistication in the 21st century.
Jump 25 years forward into the year 1984, when Feynman tries to retell his 1959 lecture from a more modern perspective in that many aspects of his vision have been fulfilled, particularly with the invention of the electron microscope, the atomic force microscope and experimental manipulation of the atomic scale of matter. Also discussed is the current practical field of photolithography for the manufacture of bipolar transistors and junctions used in computer chips done on an industrial scale and how this process continues with ever decreasing wavelength capabilities of lasers from UV to X-rays. Feynman also discusses the boundaries of miniaturization and how the scale differences affect the function of certain aspects of technology as well as in nature.
In the true spirit of Feynman, the discussion goes into the colorful details and gives diagrammatic examples of how this field had progressed from 1959 to 1984. We can only imagine how Feynman would have felt about the modern developments in nanotechnology in the 21st century where entirely exotic principles of physics may begin to become technologically significant, including vacuum fluctuations and quantum entanglements. Without a doubt he would have found our developments exciting but always within the realms of understanding by studying the most fundamental language of nature, quantum mechanics, to bring our macroscopic brains into visualizing, however abstractly, the tiny machinery of nature.
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Ja, moral sem počivati, saj smo 'nastopali' v 'zlatem trikotniku' Ptuj-Ormož-Ljutomer...bargo napisal/-a:Videti je, da si spet priklopil na mehaniko. Mimogrede, počivaš že 12 dni, sedaj res vidim, da je naporno. Misliš, da bo še šlo naprej? Mogoče si pogledaš tale video izpred 30 let:vojko napisal/-a:Poznano je, da je možno skoraj vse organske molekule sintetizirati tudi v zrclani obliki (levo/desno). Toda v organizmih so vse aminokisline vedno levosučne in sladkorji desnosučni. Kaj je vzrok temu?
Richard Feynman "Tiny Machines" Nanotechnology Lecture
Richard Feynman gave his famous talk "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" (Original Transcript Available Here : http://muonray.blogspot.ie/2012/12/ri...) on December 29th 1959 at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) as his vision on how physics and engineering could move in the direction that could eventually create nanotechnology.
Really good ideas and strokes of genius are often manifest in the right questions being asked: How small can information be encoded? How can information be written? How can information it be read? All of these important "Hows" were asked by Feynman in a time when computers had to be put in large rooms and when the impending space race was forcing engineers to do some serious strategic thinking in making technology small enough to be lifted by rockets into space to function as serious tools in scientific exploration and defence.
Feynman himself may not have invented the technology we see in the development and continuity of the computer age, but the fact that even in the early 1960's nanotechnology was being considered as a serious field of study was definitely a factor contributing to the boom in computer technology seen in the late 20th century and continues to reach more spectacular levels of sophistication in the 21st century.
Jump 25 years forward into the year 1984, when Feynman tries to retell his 1959 lecture from a more modern perspective in that many aspects of his vision have been fulfilled, particularly with the invention of the electron microscope, the atomic force microscope and experimental manipulation of the atomic scale of matter. Also discussed is the current practical field of photolithography for the manufacture of bipolar transistors and junctions used in computer chips done on an industrial scale and how this process continues with ever decreasing wavelength capabilities of lasers from UV to X-rays. Feynman also discusses the boundaries of miniaturization and how the scale differences affect the function of certain aspects of technology as well as in nature.
In the true spirit of Feynman, the discussion goes into the colorful details and gives diagrammatic examples of how this field had progressed from 1959 to 1984. We can only imagine how Feynman would have felt about the modern developments in nanotechnology in the 21st century where entirely exotic principles of physics may begin to become technologically significant, including vacuum fluctuations and quantum entanglements. Without a doubt he would have found our developments exciting but always within the realms of understanding by studying the most fundamental language of nature, quantum mechanics, to bring our macroscopic brains into visualizing, however abstractly, the tiny machinery of nature.
Drugi razlog pa je bil, da ni bilo posebno 'vnetljive' debate.
Pogledal sem si Feymanovo predavanje. Zanimivo, kot vse od njega.
Nisi pa pobral fil rouge...
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Dobro. Si videl kakšne čevlje je nosil?vojko napisal/-a: Pogledal sem si Feymanovo predavanje. Zanimivo, kot vse od njega.
Torej si nabiral zgoščeno energijo Sonca, ali kako?vojko napisal/-a:Ja, moral sem počivati, saj smo 'nastopali' v 'zlatem trikotniku' Ptuj-Ormož-Ljutomer...
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Ja, tako nekako, lahko pa bi tudi rekli 'prerez' vinskega letnika 15'...bargo napisal/-a:Dobro. Si videl kakšne čevlje je nosil?vojko napisal/-a: Pogledal sem si Feymanovo predavanje. Zanimivo, kot vse od njega.
Torej si nabiral zgoščeno energijo Sonca, ali kako?vojko napisal/-a:Ja, moral sem počivati, saj smo 'nastopali' v 'zlatem trikotniku' Ptuj-Ormož-Ljutomer...
Kakovost je odlična...
No, kaj misliš o levo/desnosučnosti?
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Tvoje pesniško prepričanje je nerelevantno, moteni trol.
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Vidiš, zato nisi več Poštar in si postal Poštarino.shrink napisal/-a:Tvoje pesniško prepričanje je nerelevantno, moteni trol.
The Marvelettes - Please Mr. Postman (1961)
There must be some word today
From my boyfriend so far away
Pleas Mister Postman, look and see
If there's a letter, a letter for me
I've been standin' here waitin' Mister Postman
So patiently
For just a card, or just a letter
Sayin' he's returnin' home to me
Men In Black (MIB) Aliens work in the PostOffice
No smoking!
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Poštarino si lahko prilepiš tudi na čelo, moteni trol, če ti to pomaga, da odpesniš s foruma.
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Pretiravaš, gravitacija te je povsem zmedla.shrink napisal/-a:Poštarino si lahko prilepiš tudi na čelo, moteni trol, če ti to pomaga, da odpesniš s foruma.
Črvina I
Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
--- A. Camus
Ti dojemaš?shrink napisal/-a:Kvazifilozof očitno ne dojame, da dobra metoda da ustrezno dober rezultat
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Če bi bili vsi prijatelji - je to zaželeni ideal?bargo napisal/-a:
Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
--- A. Camus
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Seveda, ljubeči prijatelji, takšni z ljubeznijo drug do drugega.Rock napisal/-a:Če bi bili vsi prijatelji - je to zaželeni ideal?bargo napisal/-a:
Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
--- A. Camus
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Da.bargo napisal/-a:Seveda, ljubeči prijatelji, takšni z ljubeznijo drug do drugega.Rock napisal/-a:Če bi bili vsi prijatelji - je to zaželeni ideal?bargo napisal/-a: Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
--- A. Camus
Ampak ti citiraš večkrat kitajsko filizofijo (taoizem). Ta pa zelo izpostavlja dve nasprotji (yin - yang).
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Zakaj ampak? Kako bi pri tem bila nasprotja moteča?Rock napisal/-a:Da.bargo napisal/-a:Seveda, ljubeči prijatelji, takšni z ljubeznijo drug do drugega.Rock napisal/-a: Če bi bili vsi prijatelji - je to zaželeni ideal?
Ampak ti citiraš večkrat kitajsko filizofijo (taoizem). Ta pa zelo izpostavlja dve nasprotji (yin - yang).
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Bargo, rock:
Ko sem v temi 'Kombinatorika' govoril o kultni Hofstadterjevi knjigi "Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" (Večna zlata kita. Metaforična fuga o zavestih in strojih v duhu Lewisa Carrolla), sem ti pozabil navesti odličen uvod (čeprav se z njegovimi ključnimi ocenami seveda ne strinjam) v branje Hofstadterja izpod peresa našega filozofa in logika Marka Uršiča, "Meje izomorfizma, Esej o knjigi Gödel, Escher, Bach Douglasa R. Hofstadterja" ki je nekakšen hor d'oeuvres ali appetizer za branje te odlične knjige (dobila je Pulitzerevo nagrado 1980, National Book Award for Science v ZDA).
Link na esej je tule:
http://www2.arnes.si/~mursic3/Matrice_M ... rfizma.htm
Menim, da tako knjiga kot Uršičev esej nudita obilo iztočnic za debato...
Ko sem v temi 'Kombinatorika' govoril o kultni Hofstadterjevi knjigi "Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" (Večna zlata kita. Metaforična fuga o zavestih in strojih v duhu Lewisa Carrolla), sem ti pozabil navesti odličen uvod (čeprav se z njegovimi ključnimi ocenami seveda ne strinjam) v branje Hofstadterja izpod peresa našega filozofa in logika Marka Uršiča, "Meje izomorfizma, Esej o knjigi Gödel, Escher, Bach Douglasa R. Hofstadterja" ki je nekakšen hor d'oeuvres ali appetizer za branje te odlične knjige (dobila je Pulitzerevo nagrado 1980, National Book Award for Science v ZDA).
Link na esej je tule:
http://www2.arnes.si/~mursic3/Matrice_M ... rfizma.htm
Menim, da tako knjiga kot Uršičev esej nudita obilo iztočnic za debato...
Re: Čudeži in znanost
Odlično, po m. mn.!bargo napisal/-a:Rock napisal/-a: Če bi bili vsi prijatelji - je to zaželeni ideal?bargo napisal/-a: Seveda, ljubeči prijatelji, takšni z ljubeznijo drug do drugega.Rock napisal/-a:Da.
Ampak ti citiraš večkrat kitajsko filizofijo (taoizem). Ta pa zelo izpostavlja dve nasprotji (yin - yang).bargo napisal/-a:Zakaj ampak? Kako bi pri tem bila nasprotja moteča?
Ampak vseeno:
v tvojem stavku ('vsi ljubeči prijatelji, takšni z ljubeznijo drug do drugega') ni sledu o kakšnem antagonizmu.