... ve_st.html
Sedaj se je pokazalo, da ali ta nov delec obstaja, ali pa da je izračun ozadja napačen. Vendar vidi se, da drugače to statistično ni napaka. Pa toliko je bilo pripomb, da od tega ne bo nič.
Nov delec v Cernu
Re: Nov delec v Cernu
Not @CERN/LHC actually, ampak @Fermilab/Tevatron.
CDF - The Collider Detector at Fermilab
Pricakuje se potrditev iz Cerna, a zaenkrat niso se nicesar zasledili.
Bomo videli.
CDF - The Collider Detector at Fermilab
Pricakuje se potrditev iz Cerna, a zaenkrat niso se nicesar zasledili.
Bomo videli.
Re: Nov delec v Cernu
Eh, jebiga, samo še ta delec mi je manjkal, pa bi imel komplet teorijo spisano. Bom počakal.
Se opravičujem za ta izlet od naslovne teme - nisem si mogel kaj, da ne bi malo potarnal.
Se opravičujem za ta izlet od naslovne teme - nisem si mogel kaj, da ne bi malo potarnal.

Re: Nov delec v Cernu
Še en nov delec: ... 095621.htm ... 095621.htm
Ne bi si mislil, da ima lahko tako ogromno maso.ScienceDaily napisal/-a:Physicists from the University of Zurich have discovered a previously unknown particle composed of three quarks in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator. A new baryon could thus be detected for the first time at the LHC. The baryon known as Xi_b^* confirms fundamental assumptions of physics regarding the binding of quarks.
Its mass is comparable to that of a lithium atom.
Re: Nov delec v Cernu
Če pomisliš na to, da ima v sestavi b (bottom) kvark, ki ima mirovno maso He jedra, potem to ne sme biti preveliko presenečenje. Vseeno pa je znan/odkrit barion Omega_b^-, ki z 6071 ± 40 MeV/c^2 rahlo prekaša Xi_b^* z 5945.0 ± 0.7 (stat.) ± 0.3 (syst.) ± 2.7 (PDG) MeV/c^2.kren napisal/-a:Še en nov delec: ... 095621.htm
Ne bi si mislil, da ima lahko tako ogromno maso.ScienceDaily napisal/-a:Physicists from the University of Zurich have discovered a previously unknown particle composed of three quarks in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) particle accelerator. A new baryon could thus be detected for the first time at the LHC. The baryon known as Xi_b^* confirms fundamental assumptions of physics regarding the binding of quarks.
Its mass is comparable to that of a lithium atom.
Re: Nov delec v Cernu
Zelo zanimivo:
In this episode of the Physics World Weekly podcast, the CERN physicist Jamie Boyd talks about the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment (FASER), which is located 480 m downstream from a particle collision point on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva.
FASER is on the lookout for weakly interacting particles that are created in LHC collisions and then travel through rock and concrete to reach the detector. Earlier this year the experiment made history by being the first to detect neutrinos created at a particle collider.
But as Boyd explains, neutrinos were not the primary target when FASER was first proposed. Instead, the experiment was built to study hypothetical particles – such as dark photons – that are associated with dark matter. Dark matter is itself a hypothetical substance that many physicists believe can explain some puzzling properties of galaxies and larger-scale structures in the universe.
Vir: ... source=iop
In this episode of the Physics World Weekly podcast, the CERN physicist Jamie Boyd talks about the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment (FASER), which is located 480 m downstream from a particle collision point on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva.
FASER is on the lookout for weakly interacting particles that are created in LHC collisions and then travel through rock and concrete to reach the detector. Earlier this year the experiment made history by being the first to detect neutrinos created at a particle collider.
But as Boyd explains, neutrinos were not the primary target when FASER was first proposed. Instead, the experiment was built to study hypothetical particles – such as dark photons – that are associated with dark matter. Dark matter is itself a hypothetical substance that many physicists believe can explain some puzzling properties of galaxies and larger-scale structures in the universe.
Vir: ... source=iop