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Prispevkov: 643
Pridružen: 26.4.2011 0:00


Odgovor Napisal/-a TimeEinstein »

original je v angl.......


Quantum Relativity (QR) is a new field of physics searching for unification of Theory of Relativity (TR) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) on the base of the results of last ten years of research which show clearly that time we measure with clocks has exclusively a mathematical existence, namely time is a numerical order of material changes which run in a 3D universal space. QR abolishes existence of “coordinate time” and existence of “proper time” in TR. What is truly relative in the realm of physical universe is the velocity of material change. On the orbital stations clocks (and all other phenomena) run slower for 7 microseconds per day because of SR effect and clocks run faster for 45 microseconds per day because of GR effect. On these facts is functioning GPS system.

All about “time dilatation” and “length contraction” seems to be only a mathematical model which has explained why light has a constant velocity when we move towards the source or when we move away from the source from which light is coming. With abolishing time as a fourth dimension of space this explanation has failed. QR offers a physical model about constancy of the light speed which is based on the postulate of the “Dynamic Coexistence” between physical phenomena and the concrete universal space in which these phenomena exist. The “Postulate of Dynamic Coexistence” considers that in the process of scientific exploration a given physical phenomena (material object, particle or wave) should be explored always together with the space in which it exists because a given physical phenomena and space are inseparable together and so has to be always explored together. If we explore material object, particle or wave separately from the space we will lose some of its physical properties.

In QR a photon is a packet of energy which motion creates wave of the space itself and this wave moves with the light speed and is constant we move towards it or away from it; only its frequency will change. This is in a perfect accord with Doppler effect. QR does not resurrect the concept of the “ether”. The preposition of Michelson-Morley experiment is that light is a vibration of ether and that planet Earth moves through the ether. Experiment based on that preposition has confirmed that light is not a vibration of ether. In QR Earth moves through the concrete universal space which is not filled with ether. Space itself has its physical properties. QR gives universal space its physical value. Idea of an “empty space” void of any physical properties is more of philosophy than of physics. QR propose universal space has origin in a 3D quantum vacuum for which has a characteristic of a Planck metrics, namely it is build out of fundamental units which have following physical characteristic, namely mass of Planck mp and Volume of Planck Vp.

The area of quantum vacuum in which a given stellar object or particle exist is inseparable related the stellar object or particle itself. Planet Earth is moving through the quantum vacuum but quantum vacuum which surrounds Earth is moving with along its motion around the sun and also is turning with it. So is with all stellar objects and with this model QR can precisely describe precession of the planets. In QR “relative velocity” of material change depends on the energy density of quantum vacuum. More quantum vacuum is dense faster is velocity of material change and opposite. QR explains diminished light speed when light moves in a stronger gravity because of diminished energy density of quantum vacuum through which light moves. Diminishing of light speed by Shapiro experiment cannot be explained with “time dilatation” because time has no physical existence and light moves exclusively through the space; time is merely a numerical order of its motion.

QR considers inertial mass and gravitational mass as a result of dynamic coexistence of material object, particle or wave and quantum vacuum in which it exists. In QR gravity is the result of dynamics between a given object and quantum vacuum. QR denies existence of the graviton and gravitational waves which have not been discovered yet after 40 years of research. Spending money on gravitational waves research makes no much sense because gravitational waves are the result of a wrong theoretical preposition namely that a wave can move in an “empty space” which has no physical existence. GR has geometrized gravity but it did not respond to the question what carries gravity force. QR has a clear answer: gravity is not carried by the particle or wave which moves through the “empty space”, gravity is the result of dynamics between a given object and energy density of quantum vacuum in which the object exists.

The main failure of the Standard model is that it try to describe all forces with the particles and has forgotten to considerate that particles exist in the concrete physical space which plays its role. QR has improved that historical mistake and the outcome is the profound understanding of what is relative in the universe and where is the origin of inertial and gravitational mass and their equality.

Prispevkov: 4931
Pridružen: 24.8.2009 1:20


Odgovor Napisal/-a problemi »

TimeEinstein napisal/-a:original je v angl.......


Quantum Relativity (QR) is a new field of physics ...
Si mislil RQM?

Amrit, a ti za Diraca še nisi slišal?

Naprej nisem bral ...

Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 14610
Pridružen: 4.9.2004 18:45


Odgovor Napisal/-a shrink »

Quantum Relative Crackpottery.
