Saj, samo kontekst "zanimivost" je tvoje izražanje oz. ugotavljanje zanimivosti.
Pač ne govoriva istega jezika, čeprav tega iz slovarskih navedkov ni bilo videti.
Vidiš to pa je zanimivo. Kako je to mogoče, da uporabljava enak slovar za pomene besed, besede verjetno ustrezno uporabljava in vendar praviš "ne govoriva istega jezika"?
Roman napisal/-a:
In ja, ne gre v kontekst z mojimi predvidevanji.
In kakšna so ta tvoja predvidevanja, če ni skrivnost?
Seveda ni skrivnost, na kratko: imel sem te za humanista in sem glede na tvoje pisanje o Judih to postavil pod dvom.
človek, katerega nazori temeljijo na spoštovanju človeškega dostojanstva in skrbi za človeka:
latenten ki obstaja, a se na zunaj (še) ne opazi, ne vidi; prikrit, skrit (Fran)
Vidiš, lekcije, ki jo pogosto ponujaš meni, sam še nisi vzel. Ta latentnost je namreč pri tebi, kajne.
latenten ki obstaja, a se na zunaj (še) ne opazi, ne vidi; prikrit, skrit (Fran)
Vidiš, lekcije, ki jo pogosto ponujaš meni, sam še nisi vzel. Ta latentnost je namreč pri tebi, kajne.
Vojko 4.100.000!! Tokrat je bilo potrebnih 65 dni. Na zdravje! Še malo pa boš abstinent.
when people know a lot it is difficult to manage them
--. Lao Tzu .--
Vojko 4.200.000!! Tokrat je bilo potrebnih 82 dni. Na zdravje! Še malo pa boš abstinent.
Trezen boš molčal in molčal boš, kadar boš v grobu; zdaj pa govori in pij!
--.Ivan Cankar.--
Vojko 4.300.000!! Tokrat je bilo potrebnih 91 dni. Na zdravje! In poglej! Vidiš, glede na zmanjšano frekvenco si vedno več časa "trezen" in zato molčiš? :
Humphrey: "uh I'm talking about phenomenal consciousness what are the quality of conscious experience the what it's
likeness of Sensations but there's not the use of the term Consciousness which is much older one in a way which means
Simply Having introspective access to mental States um when I was a student and we read
about Consciousness all we read about was cognitive theories of how uh how
mental information is being processed in the brain the most current best theory
of that is the so-called Global workspace theory of it and it's a very
effective way of describing or suggesting how the brain the strategy of
the brain uses for managing a continuous flow or sometimes contrasting and
conflicting information to produce a single narrative which leads to decisions and judgments which makes
sense none of that story of the global workspace makes any reference to
phenomenal Consciousness or what it's like so I actually now distinguish between cognitive consciousness and
phenomenal Consciousness and I didn't have time to go into that now but uh say
something which I'm probably going to really confuse you now I think that frogs probably do have cognitive
consciousness I think a lot of animals have cognitive Consciousness it's a very good strategy
it was probably invented by natural selection early on and widely distributed in the animal kingdom and is
already in the machines this ability to integrate information in a global workspace"
Vojko, nekaj novega zate, kaj ne? Slepoto je potrebno razumeti in "kazanje Lune in gledanje prsta" je samo fenomen, ki dokazuje obstoj te vrste slepote. Lepota pa je, da je mogoče tole vrste slepote vsaj delno odpraviti!
Ribica Vojko: Trdil si, da imajo tudi živali zavest. Jaz sem to zanikal.
In ja, vse je odvisno od profesorjev! To je lepota evolucije, ki ji mimogrede veliko preveč vezana na genetiko. Če dobro razmisliš je samo genetika tisti mehanizem, ki "odvija" evolucijo. Ključni mehanizem evolucije pa je naključje in potem se po verigi naključji pojaviš TI in to s selekcijo!
In kaj je najbolj smešno pri tem verovanju je, da nekateri to resnično čutijo, ker tako komunicirajo. Pa naj še kdo reče, da beseda ni močnejša od orožja!
Vojko 4.400.000!! Tokrat je bilo potrebnih samo 48 dni! In ker je danes še posebej poseben dan, ko se voda "spremeni v vino", lahko srebneš kolikor ti duša želi. Na zdravje!
Vojko 4.200.000!! Tokrat je bilo potrebnih 82 dni. Na zdravje! Še malo pa boš abstinent.
Trezen boš molčal in molčal boš, kadar boš v grobu; zdaj pa govori in pij!
--.Ivan Cankar.--
Vojko 4.300.000!! Tokrat je bilo potrebnih 91 dni. Na zdravje! In poglej! Vidiš, glede na zmanjšano frekvenco si vedno več časa "trezen" in zato molčiš?
Humphrey: "uh I'm talking about phenomenal consciousness what are the quality of conscious experience the what it's
likeness of Sensations but there's not the use of the term Consciousness which is much older one in a way which means
Simply Having introspective access to mental States um when I was a student and we read
about Consciousness all we read about was cognitive theories of how uh how
mental information is being processed in the brain the most current best theory
of that is the so-called Global workspace theory of it and it's a very
effective way of describing or suggesting how the brain the strategy of
the brain uses for managing a continuous flow or sometimes contrasting and
conflicting information to produce a single narrative which leads to decisions and judgments which makes
sense none of that story of the global workspace makes any reference to
phenomenal Consciousness or what it's like so I actually now distinguish between cognitive consciousness and
phenomenal Consciousness and I didn't have time to go into that now but uh say
something which I'm probably going to really confuse you now I think that frogs probably do have cognitive
consciousness I think a lot of animals have cognitive Consciousness it's a very good strategy
it was probably invented by natural selection early on and widely distributed in the animal kingdom and is
already in the machines this ability to integrate information in a global workspace"
Vojko, nekaj novega zate, kaj ne? Slepoto je potrebno razumeti in "kazanje Lune in gledanje prsta" je samo fenomen, ki dokazuje obstoj te vrste slepote. Lepota pa je, da je mogoče tole vrste slepote vsaj delno odpraviti!
Ribica Vojko: Trdil si, da imajo tudi živali zavest. Jaz sem to zanikal.
In ja, vse je odvisno od profesorjev! To je lepota evolucije, ki ji mimogrede veliko preveč vezana na genetiko. Če dobro razmisliš je samo genetika tisti mehanizem, ki "odvija" evolucijo. Ključni mehanizem evolucije pa je naključje in potem se po verigi naključji pojaviš TI in to s selekcijo!
In kaj je najbolj smešno pri tem verovanju je, da nekateri to resnično čutijo, ker tako komunicirajo. Pa naj še kdo reče, da beseda ni močnejša od orožja!
Vojko 4.400.000!! Tokrat je bilo potrebnih samo 48 dni! In ker je danes še posebej poseben dan, ko se voda "spremeni v vino", lahko srebneš kolikor ti duša želi. Na zdravje!
Vojko 4.300.000!! Tokrat je bilo potrebnih 91 dni. Na zdravje! In poglej! Vidiš, glede na zmanjšano frekvenco si vedno več časa "trezen" in zato molčiš? How did consciousness evolve? - with Nicholas Humphrey
Humphrey: "uh I'm talking about phenomenal consciousness what are the quality of conscious experience the what it's
likeness of Sensations but there's not the use of the term Consciousness which is much older one in a way which means
Simply Having introspective access to mental States um when I was a student and we read
about Consciousness all we read about was cognitive theories of how uh how
mental information is being processed in the brain the most current best theory
of that is the so-called Global workspace theory of it and it's a very
effective way of describing or suggesting how the brain the strategy of
the brain uses for managing a continuous flow or sometimes contrasting and
conflicting information to produce a single narrative which leads to decisions and judgments which makes
sense none of that story of the global workspace makes any reference to
phenomenal Consciousness or what it's like so I actually now distinguish between cognitive consciousness and
phenomenal Consciousness and I didn't have time to go into that now but uh say
something which I'm probably going to really confuse you now I think that frogs probably do have cognitive
consciousness I think a lot of animals have cognitive Consciousness it's a very good strategy
it was probably invented by natural selection early on and widely distributed in the animal kingdom and is
already in the machines this ability to integrate information in a global workspace"
Vojko, nekaj novega zate, kaj ne? Slepoto je potrebno razumeti in "kazanje Lune in gledanje prsta" je samo fenomen, ki dokazuje obstoj te vrste slepote. Lepota pa je, da je mogoče tole vrste slepote vsaj delno odpraviti!
Ribica Vojko: Trdil si, da imajo tudi živali zavest. Jaz sem to zanikal.
In ja, vse je odvisno od profesorjev! To je lepota evolucije, ki ji mimogrede veliko preveč vezana na genetiko. Če dobro razmisliš je samo genetika tisti mehanizem, ki "odvija" evolucijo. Ključni mehanizem evolucije pa je naključje in potem se po verigi naključji pojaviš TI in to s selekcijo!
In kaj je najbolj smešno pri tem verovanju je, da nekateri to resnično čutijo, ker tako komunicirajo. Pa naj še kdo reče, da beseda ni močnejša od orožja!
Vojko 4.400.000!! Tokrat je bilo potrebnih samo 48 dni! In ker je danes še posebej poseben dan, ko se voda "spremeni v vino", lahko srebneš kolikor ti duša želi. Na zdravje!
Vojko, vidiš koliko vere je v fiziki?! Spomni se na Jolly-a in Plancka, Stephen je "dodal" še II. zakon, kar je presenečenje, če verjameš in enačiš modele z modeliranim! Zgodba o času, ki jo podaja Stephen, je še posebej zanimiva! Skratka Vojko, sama presenečenja zate, kaj?
Vera je res v temeljih našega dojemanja, in to ne velja samo za samce!