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Objavljeno: 12.5.2019 21:42
Napisal/-a Srečko
PHYSICS PROGRESS - moja zadnja knjiga :wink: ... _397514860

Physics progress requires the introduction of bijective research methodology. The bijective methodology requires that every element in the model corresponds to exactly one element in the physical reality. Model and physical reality are related with the bijective function of set theory. Bijective methodology result is the development of models which are perfect mirroring of physical reality. In today physics often happens something is firstly predicted. After that, the mathematical model is built. And finally, this "something" is proved with the experiment which has no direct relation with this "something". The school example of this flawed methodology is the prediction of the Higgs field and the "discovery" of Higgs boson which is not more than the artificially produced flux of relativistic energy of the proton released here and there by the protons collisions. Higgs boson and Higgs field have no existence in the physical universe. Mass of elementary particles is generated by the variable density of the electromagnetic vacuum.
The bijective methodology is based on perception (with senses or with instruments), development of the mathematical model and finally an experimental confirmation or disproval. Bijective methodology proves time is what we measure with clocks. With clocks, we measure numerical sequential order of events which run in space. Our daily experience confirms in space is always and only NOW. In Minkowski 4D manifold, the time is merely the numerical order of photon motion in space. When we measure this motion, we get duration. There is no duration without the measurement of the observer. Space-time model where space is the 4th dimension of space is 100 years old belief with not a single experimental data.
The bijective methodology proves the Big Bang model is clinically dead for the last 30 years. We keep it alive with artificial lungs, artificial heart, and artificial kidneys. Our minds are blocked with old beliefs which we are not ready to give up yet. Bijective cosmology confirms that the universe is the system in a permanent dynamic equilibrium with no beginning and no end.


Objavljeno: 13.5.2019 8:37
Napisal/-a Roman
Zadnja knjiga?

- Tone, zakaj te ni bilo na zadnjem sestanku partijske celice?
- Hm, če bi vedel, da je zadnji, bi gotovo prišel.


Objavljeno: 13.5.2019 11:54
Napisal/-a vojko
Roman napisal/-a:
13.5.2019 8:37
Zadnja knjiga?

- Tone, zakaj te ni bilo na zadnjem sestanku partijske celice?
- Hm, če bi vedel, da je zadnji, bi gotovo prišel.
:D :D


Objavljeno: 16.5.2019 18:11
Napisal/-a Srečko
Fizika je v krizi. Treba bo prenehat s starimi verovanji in zgradit BIJEKTIVNO FIZIKO
brez partije in brez temelju OPAZOVANJA IN MERITVE......

What is and how to overcome the crisis of today physics? (prvo poglavje moje knjige)

Today, physics has several prominent models: quantum electrodynamics (QED), the General Theory of Relativity (GR), Quantum Physics, and the Higgs mechanism. The crisis of today’s physics is that these models are not connected in a satisfying way. Each of these models has a well-developed mathematical description and works well in its own domain. Because the reality is one, we are looking forward to connecting these partial pictures in one general picture that will embrace the entire physical existence. Such a picture would mean that we are surpassing the crisis of today’s physics.

For several years, I have been trying to figure out how to unify these main models. It is not an easy job and many others are working on it. Finally, I decided to help myself with set theory. We can assume that every element in the physical reality is an element of the set X, which is the universe. To build a unifying picture of the universe we have to ensure that every element in the universe will have exactly one corresponding element in the model of the universe, which is set Y.

Adopting this methodology, I started building the model of the universe on my own without much consideration for the established knowledge of physics; my proposition was that in physics there is some cardinal mistake which is preventing the unification of the leading models of today’s physics. My mind was never in tune with the idea of space–time being the fundamental arena of the universe. Applying a bijective methodology, it was proved that the space–time model has no physical existence. Time is only the mathematical parameter of material change, i.e. motion in space. Space is not ‘empty’, space is a kind of energy which we are not familiar with yet. In the QED model, we are using the electromagnetic vacuum as the physical ground for electromagnetism. I assume that it is right to replace space–time as the fundamental arena with the electromagnetic vacuum in which time is only a mathematical parameter.

The next step was integrating GR and QED. My idea was that the curvature of space in GR is related to the density of the electromagnetic vacuum. The more space is curved, the less dense is the vacuum. This model has shown itself as a powerful tool in the description of the gravitational force, which is not acting directly between two physical objects, it is acting indirectly via the variable density of the electromagnetic vacuum. A given physical object with mass m is diminishing the density of the vacuum exactly for the amount of its energy, E. This diminished density is generating the inertial mass and gravitational mass of the given physical object.Quite amazing: with the introduction of the variable density of the electromagnetic vacuum, we can unify QED, GR, and the Higgs mechanism. Even more, we can solve the ‘enigma’ of dark energy, which is the energy of the electromagnetic vacuum itself. In today’s physics, the Standard Model is the main player, which also gets most of the money for research. The standard model establishment will fight my idea with all possible force. Bijective physics means the end of the Standard Model supremacy.

I am highly suspicious of the CERN research methodology which has discovered the ‘god particle’. In my eyes, the Higgs boson is nothing more than the momentary flux of energy which is released here and there in proton collisions; nothing spectacular and with no possibility for any technological application. By investing 20% of the money that CERN has used over the last 10 years, we would already have discovered antigravity and the extraction of energy directly from the electromagnetic vacuum.


Objavljeno: 29.5.2019 20:47
Napisal/-a shrink
Sračkov progres fizike = ko se greš pro šarlatana.