Paranormalni izziv - Slovenija 2006

Kaj bi bilo, če bi lahko ... ?
Prispevkov: 3
Pridružen: 12.11.2006 0:57

Odgovor Napisal/-a razsvetljencek »

Roman napisal/-a:Povej mi še to, ali so PEARovi poskusi prestali kak Randijev test.
Uf, tega pa ne vem, so pa to ljudje iz Princeton univerze, ki tudi ni tko "neresna" inštitucija...

...po mojem laičnem mnenju pa so verjetno celo bistveno bolj kredibilni kot Randi. Ne vem zakaj, ampak občutek imam, da je on kot na kakem "križarskem pohodu" proti vsemu kar se ne vklaplja v "znanstveno" in tako zagreti in prepričani ljudje običajno niso preveč objektivni...

...še enkrat, če česar znanost danes še ne zna pojasniti ne pomeni, da tega ni...

Seveda pa se lahko tudi motim.

Prispevkov: 6602
Pridružen: 21.10.2003 8:03

Odgovor Napisal/-a Roman »

razsvetljencek napisal/-a:...še enkrat, če česar znanost danes še ne zna pojasniti ne pomeni, da tega ni...
To je res. Ampak res pa je tudi, da če kdo reče, da nekaj je, in to na neznanstven način tudi pojanjuje, še ne pomeni, da to je.
Seveda pa se lahko tudi motim.
Nisi edini.

Uporabniški avatar
Član strokovnega sveta Kvarkadabre.
Prispevkov: 141
Pridružen: 30.9.2002 9:18

Odgovor Napisal/-a zupan »

PEAR lab so ta mesec zaprli

glej recimo tukaj:
Embarrassment To Science Closing Down

Bob Park calls it "an embarrassment to science."* It may have been an embarrassment to Princeton University as well, but for the past quarter of a century several paranormal scientists have conducted ESP and PK experiments in the basement of the university's engineering building. At the end of this month, Robert Jahn's Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab will shut down. Jahn, now 76, used to make contributions to the science of jet propulsion. He gave that up for work that tried to find some small effect of the mind on random event generators. He says that "If people don't believe us after all the results we've produced, then they never will."

His support came not from the university or the government, but from private parties. He collected more than $10 million over the years from the likes of his friend James McDonnell, a founder of the McDonnell Douglas Corp. McDonnell also funded the McDonnell Laboratory for Psychical Research at Washington University that was bamboozled by James Randi, Steve Shaw (a.k.a. Banachek), and Mike Edwards from 1979-1983.

Jahn attracted a few scientists to his work, but none of Princeton's 700 or so other professors joined his lab. His group didn't get anything published in prominent science journals, though one editor did say he'd publish Jahn's work if he could telepathically communicate it to him.*
