Večni Sedaj Fizike

Prapok, vesolje, kozmologija, črne luknje...
Prispevkov: 2842
Pridružen: 16.8.2004 19:41

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a ZdravaPamet »


Prispevkov: 6604
Pridružen: 21.10.2003 8:03

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a Roman »

TimeEinstein napisal/-a:tuga fantje tuga
Ja, res. Če bi bil ti za ščepec manj domišljav, bi bilo prijetneje.
nimate smisla za humor
Je brezčasno vesolje humor? Zakaj nisi tega prej povedal?
nimate znanja
To se strinjam in svoje nevednosti se ne sramujem. Ampak s teboj pa se res ne morem primerjati.
imate pa strupen jezik
He, he, in tebi se godi krivica.
res adios

Prispevkov: 643
Pridružen: 26.4.2011 0:00

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a TimeEinstein »

Time is a math quantity. Eternity is NOW.

Prispevkov: 6604
Pridružen: 21.10.2003 8:03

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a Roman »

Oh, si že nazaj?

Prispevkov: 643
Pridružen: 26.4.2011 0:00

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a TimeEinstein »

evo nas zadnji clanek ... 8-26.1.113
to je to........ :twisted:

Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 14612
Pridružen: 4.9.2004 18:45

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a shrink »

TimeEinstein napisal/-a:evo nas zadnji clanek ... 8-26.1.113
Spet šarlatanski zmazek v šarlatanski reviji.
to je to........ :twisted:
To je to (beri pred tem).
Ni mi jasno, kaj sploh takim "cepcem" (kot jih poimenuješ) reklamiraš svoje zmazke... Aja, mislim, da se mi je posvetilo: "Imam opravka s cepci. Cepce bom zlahka prepričal, da živijo v brezčasnem vesolju..." Ampak si se vprašal, zakaj po letih in letih "cepcev" nisi uspel prepričati? Namig: Ker si sam *****. :lol:

Prispevkov: 1051
Pridružen: 19.4.2004 8:33

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a Vedež »

Kako komentirate tole:

Prispevkov: 1051
Pridružen: 19.4.2004 8:33

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a Vedež »

Prispevkov: 6604
Pridružen: 21.10.2003 8:03

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a Roman »

Nič novega.

Prispevkov: 643
Pridružen: 26.4.2011 0:00

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a TimeEinstein »

prof fizike je napisal predgovor za mojo knjigo
ki jo lahko berete tu
mogoče koga zanima njegov pogled,


The most important goal of contemporary Physics is certainly the unification of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. This is also the hardest one substantially because the two theories are based on incompatible concepts of space and time apart from the different application scales. This happens since General Relativity is based on general covariance principle, while Quantum Mechanics on superposition principle that are theoretically incompatible. The main difficulties arise because in the Theory of Relativity space and time are interpreted as physical coordinates of the fabric of reality, namely the space-time, inextricably related and relative to the observer’s motion, while in Quantum Mechanics time is an absolute mathematical parameter external to the physical system described by a wave function that “lives” in a mathematical abstract space, the Hilbert’s space, having no direct reference with the physical space we experience. For this reason the unification of the two theories in a feasible “theory of everything” has to deal with this crucial aspect: it is not clear if whether it is more appropriate to abandon the point of view of GR or that of QM, but certainly a solution could be find only by a deep reinterpretation of the meaning of space and time. During the last years several approaches to this problem have been proposed, some of which based on the denial of the existence of space or time as fundamental physical entities. The theory of entropic time or that of thermodynamic time derived from loop quantum gravity are only two of the most known examples for what concerns the time. More recently the possibility that also space is emergent from a more fundamental reality have been theorized as, for example, in approach of entropic origin of space and gravity from holographic screens or in the interpretation of General Relativity as the hydrodynamic long-wavelength limit of an underlying microscopic structure. In any cases, all these theories assume the existence of a minimal space-time structure whose features however still remain obscure. For this reason the “ultimate” theory that, unifying GR and QM, will give us a deep and complete picture of Reality will be that able to characterize this most elementary structure or, in other words, the entity called quantum vacuum. But also without demanding the unification of the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, each of these two theories, individually taken, is characterized by the presence of several aspects still not entirely understood. In special relativity, for example, the interpretation of proper time, as well as the effects of time contraction and length dilatation for two observers in relative motion may lead to contradictions; another open question concerns the ontological foundation of the postulate about the invariance of the speed of light and the origin of the equivalence between mass and energy. Even more serious problems arise from the quantum realm as, for example, the interpretation of quantum entanglement, as shown in the famous EPR paradox, the “duality” wave-particle and the ontological role of the conscious observer in the measurement process. At a very deep level, all the current interpretations of these phenomena are potentially characterized by possible misunderstandings due to the absence of a coherent and complete theory of quantum vacuum or the elementary structure of reality. In this excellent essay Amrit Sorli exposes an innovative approach to this problem as simple as interesting, according to which universal space is composed by elementary Planck volumes, constituting the fabric of physical reality, in which time plays the role of a mathematical quantity giving the numerical order of change and no longer represents the fourth space-time coordinate. In this picture only the granular three dimensional space, made of fundamental units of
space, the “Planck volumes”, and its energy density exist as
fundamental physical reality and determine the “Physical Universe”, while time would belong to the so-called “Mathematical Universe”: the reality is then made by NOWS that exist in a timeless universe. In this framework gravity and inertia naturally arise as variations of vacuum energy density whose gradients should determine the relative velocity of material changes in the Universe. All this lead to a very interesting picture of a Universe in a dynamic equilibrium in which the energy of universal space in a given volume is constant. From this simple statement it is possible to derive, in principle, the dynamics of the observed physical phenomena as, for example, the curvature of light near the planetary masses, the property of black holes, as well as the “strange” effects provided by special relativity about times and lengths as viewed by observers in relative motion. But one of the most interesting features of this model consists in its applicability to quantum phenomena, making it possible to explain, in a very simple fashion, phenomena such as the action at a distance, quantum entanglement or the double-slit experiment showing the particle - wave nature of light. The subdivision of reality into a Physical and a Mathematical Universe allows Sorli furthermore to define the conscious observer as the only universal reference system at rest and consciousness as acting through the mathematical universe and DNA into the level of the physical world, a very fascinating hypothesis with respect to the elaboration of a theory of mind, as already proposed by Penrose some years ago, according to which it could be not possible to reduce the mind to the activity of physical brains, since thinking cannot be a pure algorithmic process, but a potentially not – local phenomenon. In conclusion we can define this essay as a very exciting intellectual challenge containing a powerful theoretical starting point towards an ultimate “theory of everything” that, if adequately improved and refined mainly through the elaboration of complete dynamical theory of this new quantum vacuum, could be able to give answer to the most important questions of Physics and contribute to the emergence of a new humanism in which mind and matter (and energy) finally could be viewed as different aspects of the same fundamental reality.

Rende, August 2, 2013

Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri

University of Calabria

Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 11770
Pridružen: 29.5.2004 15:18

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a vojko »

TimeEinstein napisal/-a:prof fizike je napisal predgovor za mojo knjigo
ki jo lahko berete tu
mogoče koga zanima njegov pogled,


The most important goal of contemporary Physics is certainly the unification of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. This is also the hardest one substantially because the two theories are based on incompatible concepts of space and time apart from the different application scales. This happens since General Relativity is based on general covariance principle, while Quantum Mechanics on superposition principle that are theoretically incompatible. The main difficulties arise because in the Theory of Relativity space and time are interpreted as physical coordinates of the fabric of reality, namely the space-time, inextricably related and relative to the observer’s motion, while in Quantum Mechanics time is an absolute mathematical parameter external to the physical system described by a wave function that “lives” in a mathematical abstract space, the Hilbert’s space, having no direct reference with the physical space we experience. For this reason the unification of the two theories in a feasible “theory of everything” has to deal with this crucial aspect: it is not clear if whether it is more appropriate to abandon the point of view of GR or that of QM, but certainly a solution could be find only by a deep reinterpretation of the meaning of space and time. During the last years several approaches to this problem have been proposed, some of which based on the denial of the existence of space or time as fundamental physical entities. The theory of entropic time or that of thermodynamic time derived from loop quantum gravity are only two of the most known examples for what concerns the time. More recently the possibility that also space is emergent from a more fundamental reality have been theorized as, for example, in approach of entropic origin of space and gravity from holographic screens or in the interpretation of General Relativity as the hydrodynamic long-wavelength limit of an underlying microscopic structure. In any cases, all these theories assume the existence of a minimal space-time structure whose features however still remain obscure. For this reason the “ultimate” theory that, unifying GR and QM, will give us a deep and complete picture of Reality will be that able to characterize this most elementary structure or, in other words, the entity called quantum vacuum. But also without demanding the unification of the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, each of these two theories, individually taken, is characterized by the presence of several aspects still not entirely understood. In special relativity, for example, the interpretation of proper time, as well as the effects of time contraction and length dilatation for two observers in relative motion may lead to contradictions; another open question concerns the ontological foundation of the postulate about the invariance of the speed of light and the origin of the equivalence between mass and energy. Even more serious problems arise from the quantum realm as, for example, the interpretation of quantum entanglement, as shown in the famous EPR paradox, the “duality” wave-particle and the ontological role of the conscious observer in the measurement process. At a very deep level, all the current interpretations of these phenomena are potentially characterized by possible misunderstandings due to the absence of a coherent and complete theory of quantum vacuum or the elementary structure of reality. In this excellent essay Amrit Sorli exposes an innovative approach to this problem as simple as interesting, according to which universal space is composed by elementary Planck volumes, constituting the fabric of physical reality, in which time plays the role of a mathematical quantity giving the numerical order of change and no longer represents the fourth space-time coordinate. In this picture only the granular three dimensional space, made of fundamental units of
space, the “Planck volumes”, and its energy density exist as
fundamental physical reality and determine the “Physical Universe”, while time would belong to the so-called “Mathematical Universe”: the reality is then made by NOWS that exist in a timeless universe. In this framework gravity and inertia naturally arise as variations of vacuum energy density whose gradients should determine the relative velocity of material changes in the Universe. All this lead to a very interesting picture of a Universe in a dynamic equilibrium in which the energy of universal space in a given volume is constant. From this simple statement it is possible to derive, in principle, the dynamics of the observed physical phenomena as, for example, the curvature of light near the planetary masses, the property of black holes, as well as the “strange” effects provided by special relativity about times and lengths as viewed by observers in relative motion. But one of the most interesting features of this model consists in its applicability to quantum phenomena, making it possible to explain, in a very simple fashion, phenomena such as the action at a distance, quantum entanglement or the double-slit experiment showing the particle - wave nature of light. The subdivision of reality into a Physical and a Mathematical Universe allows Sorli furthermore to define the conscious observer as the only universal reference system at rest and consciousness as acting through the mathematical universe and DNA into the level of the physical world, a very fascinating hypothesis with respect to the elaboration of a theory of mind, as already proposed by Penrose some years ago, according to which it could be not possible to reduce the mind to the activity of physical brains, since thinking cannot be a pure algorithmic process, but a potentially not – local phenomenon. In conclusion we can define this essay as a very exciting intellectual challenge containing a powerful theoretical starting point towards an ultimate “theory of everything” that, if adequately improved and refined mainly through the elaboration of complete dynamical theory of this new quantum vacuum, could be able to give answer to the most important questions of Physics and contribute to the emergence of a new humanism in which mind and matter (and energy) finally could be viewed as different aspects of the same fundamental reality.

Rende, August 2, 2013

Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri

University of Calabria
Here we go again... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 14612
Pridružen: 4.9.2004 18:45

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a shrink »

TimeEinstein napisal/-a:prof fizike je napisal predgovor za mojo knjigo

Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri

University of Calabria
Že bežna poizvedba v Google-u takoj pokaže, da gre za šarlatana. :lol:

Prispevkov: 643
Pridružen: 26.4.2011 0:00

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a TimeEinstein »

ja.....diplomiral je na fiziki ko je imel 20 let z DESETKO...(LODE) se reče po italijansko, pa ti scrgking....kdaj si ti diplomiral na fiziki :twisted:

Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 14612
Pridružen: 4.9.2004 18:45

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a shrink »

TimeEinstein napisal/-a:ja.....diplomiral je na fiziki ko je imel 20 let z DESETKO...(LODE) se reče po italijansko, pa ti scrgking....
Hah, tehtalec črvjih duš amRIT, če bi ti bil znan ocenjevalni sistem na italijanski univerzah, bi vedel:

- da se izpiti ocenjujejo z najvišjo oceno 30 in z najnižjo 18 ter da je "e lode/con lode" (za ocene od 27 do 30) ekvivalentno "cum laude" v anglosaksonski sistemih;
- da se skupna ocena študija formira na osnovi ocen vseh izpitov in zagovora zaključnega dela (diplome), ki je lahko največ 110 e lode (ekvivalentno: "summa cum laude"), najmanj pa 66.

kdaj si ti diplomiral na fiziki :twisted:
Vprašaj raje tvojega "amicota", če ima sploh doktorat. :lol:

P.S. Sem naredil poizvedbo o tvojem "amicotu": ni nikakršen "wunderkind", kot ga skušaš prikazati - iz podatkov, ki so mi dostopni, je razvidno, da je začel študirati pri 19 letih (tako kot vsi), diplomiral pa po 4 letih študija pri 23 letih; skratka, kot ponavadi, samo nakladaš. :lol:

Prispevkov: 643
Pridružen: 26.4.2011 0:00

Re: Večni Sedaj Fizike

Odgovor Napisal/-a TimeEinstein »

jaz sem diplomiral na geodeziji, naredil sem samo 2 leti, ker me je zanimala povezava fizike in zavesti,
pol seveda nisem nikoli naredil 2 stopnje in doktorata
ampak zate schring sem jaz 3 krat doktor,
ker meni mozeg deluje kot švicarska urca,
čas bo to pokazal
o tem sem 120% prepričan, moj mozak deluje iz centra zavesti, tvoj pa iz centra ega, razlika je velika
evo moja knjiga "The Physics of NOW" sedaj na razpolago tudi v tiskani obliki.
Jeseni se vrnem v Slovenijo za par dni in bom imel serijo predavanj na temo
lepo poletje vsem :D
